Amazing everything!
There needs to be more then 10 stars for this, very good animations and really good sprites work, etc !
Amazing everything!
There needs to be more then 10 stars for this, very good animations and really good sprites work, etc !
Make me cry wont dont you
wow I forgot about the bus guy at the end it made it complete and didnt make me want to kill myself how emo that flash was good job on everything as usal
There needs to be more videos like this I love it
Vamp and Raiden stole it lol
Who ever was the voice actor for Vamp and radien made this amazing lol
forgot raging raven, Screaming mantis , crying wolf , & laughing octopus (Thank you google search) any ways very good flash over all laughed the whole time. The video probly is really funny if you play or see the game. Im not so sure if you've never played it b4
That was long and amazing! very good animation no errors that ive seen what so ever. Nice to see the seris back and amazing it was 30 minutes long about!
Nicly done
Pretty good for a "test"
Alot better animation then most ppl on madness you have true potentail only thing I didnt like was the short screen but thats just me being picky looking forward to your next flash!
waa lol?
It was pretty funny but there where some parts there where sort of just dumb maybe I just didnt get it over all a very ok flash
thats what it is!
this has to be 100% of what simspons are these days lol even though still funny >.>
Very good
Very good flash there are some people I wouldnt accpect in my collab but I wasnt in charge over all ver good
Very nicely done
I smell a feature
any ways on the review pretty epic lol lugi is such a pansy some times and this seems to explain most of what he does lol
Joined on 3/8/08